Cold and freezer bodies

We manufacture FNA (cold/refridgerated transport) and FRC (freezer transport) provision transportation bodies. Our ATP approved bodies can be equipped with divisions so that different divisions can have different temperatures.

It is possible to load and dismantle the compartment on the side or rear. A higher load factor is available for the load compartment, although the return load can be a long piece of cargo. The truck-mounted floor allows the counterweight to be loaded behind the load. Forklift max. axle weight 7500 kg. Also available as a changeover room..

Technical details


Subframes are built per the manufacturer’s specifications, with Z-crossbars


Aluminum or mass surfaced insulated floor element


Reinforced plastic, insulated, bodywork, kickplates anodized aluminum profile s = 5 mm, 250 mm spaced


Insulated reinforced plastic body


In the back, 2 or 3 part molded door

ATP classified body’s standard equipment
  • LED interior lights
  • LED side lights
  • Binding railing row in side walls
  • Reversing beam with platform rollers
  • Rack for cargo straps
  • Road equipment
  • Individual approval + registration inspection
ATP classified bodies’ accessories
  • Tailgate
  • Temperature control device
  • Temperature monitoring device
  • Hydronically heated floor
  • Thermal curtains
  • Movable dividing walls
  • (FNA) Multi-use faclities without backdoors
  • (FNA) Side door
  • Towing equipment
  • Twin doors to the back
  • Hinged door to the side
  • (FNA) Cargo binding rings to the floor
  • Reversing camera
  • Work lights
  • Accesory boxes
  • Painting of the box trailer

Piako sales

Linnatie 10,
76850 Naarajärvi
0207 419 200

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